Rethinking regional organisation will allow SNP members more say in party.
So, the SNP rulebook. Don’t switch off just yet. I know that for people who are not members of the party this is not a gripping topic. In truth, it bores the pants off most who are members. Yet it is important. The way in which Scotland’s largest political party, the party of government, runs …
Continue reading “Rethinking regional organisation will allow SNP members more say in party.”
Will Trump sell out Ukraine?
Today it happens. The second Trump presidency begins. More organised, we are told, than the last one. His team of billionaires ready to hit the ground running. The new American oligarchy. Amid all the belligerence and bombast, the driving mission is clear. America first. Which means the rest of the world second. We all hold …
As safer drugs consumption centre opens it’s time to go further
Today, at last, the UK’s first drug consumption room opens in Glasgow. As everyone involved is at pains to point out this is not a silver bullet to Scotland’s drugs problem. It is one part of a solution. But a part that until now has been hindered by out-of-date laws and political opposition. It shouldn’t …
Continue reading “As safer drugs consumption centre opens it’s time to go further”
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